All posts by joenix

3 Years Tesla Model S – Some updated figures

It’s been over 3 years now and 126.135 km on the clock. Time to update some numbers.


Energy consumption

Average energy consumption measured by the car: 22.31 kWh/100km
Energy consumed by the car : 28.007 kWh

Total consumption electricity charged at home : 27.874 kWh
Total consumption public charging : 62,57 kWh (Fastned) + 60,42 kWh (The New Motion)
Total consumption Supercharging (estimate) : (5.000 km/year * 3 * 0.2231 Wh/km (average consumption) = 3.346,5 kWh

Charging efficiency (estimate) : 89,36 %

Total costs public charging : 50,23 € (Fastned)
Total costs electricity @ home (average calculated on electricity price evolution) : 6.132 €

Maintenance cost

Costs car maintenance : 8.802,35 €
– Service Plan : 2.235,25 €
– Annual Service 2016 + LTE upgrade : 1.440,24 €
– Winter Tyres + wheels : 2.200 €
– TPMS Sensors for winter wheels : 588,21 €
– New set of summer tyres : 1.130 €
– Service estimate for new front suspension’s support arm : 1.108,99 €
– Touch screen replacement under warrantee + other small fixes under partial warrantee : 99,66 €
– Frunk – new lock : 0 €
– Airco leak : 0 €

Costs car extra’s :
– Whispbar Roof rack : 270 €
– CHAdeMO adapter : 450 €
– Power folding mirrors : 1.129,72 €

Tesla Referal Credit : 2.000 €
Tesla Credit for no red adapter at delivery moment : 300€

Adding the car maintenance costs to the electricity bill : 14.984,35 € / 126.135 km = 0.11€ km of running costs

New Model 3 or old Model S

Tesla Model 3 Tesla Model S
Model 3 Model S

This a short list of things I’d want on a Tesla Model 3 before I’d even consider trading in my current Model S. Comparing the renderings of the 2 cars, the Model S has a head start by winning the beauty contest.

  • Level 4 autonomous drive ready : Tesla is making huge steps in autonomous driving. If they want me to buy the Model 3, it should have all sensors onboard to be able to drive autonomous from point A to B. I can live with the software not yet being ready and a phased deployment of the autonomous drive. My Model S is of the first generation without autopilot features
  • European CCS Combo Charge Port : Standards are important in this world. So is the European standard for charging Electric Vehicles. This standard will be used to roll-out charging networks in Europe. If I buy a Model 3, it should be able to charge fast using these proprietary charging stations. My Model S has a CHAdeMO adapter which allows it to use these charging stations at maximum 50 kW
  • Towing hitch: Because I’m going back to a smaller car, the Model 3 should be able to tow something. To cover my transportation needs I’d need to be able to tow a small trailer.
  • +400km Typical Range. Similar to my current Model S 85. Battery package may be smaller than 85 kWh, but with a lower energy consumption.
  • Cargo space : 80% of my Model S : the combined cargo space (Frunk and Trunk) should be at least 80% of my Model S cargo space. So 700 litres of cargo space should do the trick. As a reference, in a BMW 5-series of 2013, you have 560L in the trunk.

2 years Tesla Model S – The good, the bad and the beauty

2 years ago I got my Model S at Brussels Service Center. In those 2 years I drove over 80.000 km with it. Here are some of my thoughts on electric driving and Tesla

What are the driving costs?

This is what I spent on my Tesla Model S for the last 2 years.

  • Tyres : I’m still on my original set, but I bought a set of extra wheels and winter tyres for about 2.000 € at the local tyre shop
  • Insurance : 1.900 € per year for a full omnium insurance
  • Service : I paid 2.200€ for a Tesla Service contract for 80.000km
  • Electricity at home: I consumed 18.255 kWh of energy @ home with an average energy cost of 0,16 €/kWh it totals 2.920 €
  • Public charging : 34 € 

Continue reading 2 years Tesla Model S – The good, the bad and the beauty

Bespaar 1.000€ op jouw Model S – Tesla Referral Program

Tesla heeft weer een geweldige marketingstunt gelanceerd. Meer info erover vindt je hier.

Het komt erop neer dat als je via deze link een Tesla Model S samenstelt en bestelt. krijg je 1.000€ korting, en krijg ik een waardebon van 1.000€ die ik kan gebruiken in het Tesla Service Center. Goeie deal lijkt me. Dan kan ik nog eens een onderhoudscontract voor 4 jaar afsluiten (want mijn vorige 4 jaar zijn er in 2 jaar doorgegaan 😉 ).
Continue reading Bespaar 1.000€ op jouw Model S – Tesla Referral Program