1 Year Tesla Model S – Some figures

One year ago, I took delivery of my Tesla Model S. In the past year I put 40.000km on the clock. It’s time for some figures.

2014-11-26 08.15.11

Average car consumption : 22.80 kWh/100 km
Total consumption car : 9.140 kWh

Total consumption electricity at home : 9061,3 kWh
Total public charging (1 year for free) : 327,9 kWh
Total Supercharging (for free) : 300 kWh (Estimation)

Efficiency of charging : (Consumption Car) / (Electricity Charged) = 9.140 kWh / 9.689 kWh = 94,3%

Total costs electricity (I charge mostly at night with a lower tarif : 0.15€/kWh ) : 1.359,20 €
Costs maintenance car : 1 service of a service plan of 4 services (2.235,25 €) : 558,8 € (incl VAT)
Car taxes : 77 €